Exhibits tagged "youth": 2

Baseball, Hot dogs, and Raspas: The Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Little League in the West Side of San Antonio during the 1960’s

The Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Little League in the West Side of San Antonio was a vehicle through which the emerging Mexican American middle-class, post WWII young fathers and mothers, pursued for their sons, integration and acculturation into the American mainstream.

Baseball, Hot dogs, and Raspas: The Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Athletic Club during the 1960's in San Antonio, TX

The Prospect Hill Yellow Jackets Athletic Club was an important institution in San Antonio’s West Side in the 1960’s. It was a vehicle through which the emerging Mexican American middle-class families integrated and acculturated into the American mainstream. Using images, maps, archival photographs, newspaper articles, obituaries, and oral histories, this project presents evidence on how organized youth sports played a major role in helping shape and define the identity of a Mexican American community in San Antonio and provided the foundation that spawned an engaged generation of achievers.